Artificial Boxwood Frames by Artificial Plants Unlimited

As a business owner or designer for commercial spaces you know the importance of presenting a professional, modern, and downright interesting image to customers in the public spaces of a business. While "don't judge a book by its cover" gets a lot of airtime, the truth is that we, as consumers, do it every day.

That Italian restaurant with the cheaply printed sign on the door or the hair salon with a drab lobby is simply less likely to draw new customers in and keep them coming back. With this in mind many designers and business owners have begun to use artificial boxwood frames in a number of applications to help their businesses stand out from the rest.

There are many different styles of boxwood frames to choose from, and it's important that your business get the right one.

Exterior Use

Any business with a street side location, especially restaurants, can make a bold design statement by incorporating an outdoor artificial boxwood frame into their exterior design.

These frames look great around business signs, menus, and surrounding marketing messages to customers. Specifically designed for outdoor applications, this faux foliage is extremely durable, resists fade, and adds unquestionable curb appeal to any business



Interior Applications

Creative businesses, startups, hotels, casinos, and any number of high-end service businesses work hard to present a modern and engaging image to their customers. Indoor artificial boxwood frames have found a home in many of these businesses serving as decorative TV frames, drawing attention to a unique piece of art in the lobby, or framing the company logo behind the reception desk. The authentic look of the foliage on the frames makes it hard to believe that you won't have to water it or give it sunlight to keep it alive.


Where Fire Resistance is Required

With so many businesses taking advantage of the benefits of renting space in a multi-unit office complex, many people have found themselves having to comply with a few extra regulations. Many building codes require all commercial furnishings to be fire resistant. Luckily artificial boxwood decorative sign frames are available in fire resistant materials. These "Inherently Fire Retardant" - or IFR - materials have been tested and meet the requirements of most commercial office complexes. Check your specific building code prior to order to be sure.

Whatever the application, we know you will be able to find the right boxwood frames for your business at Artificial Plants Unlimited. We carry a selection of sizes ranging from 38" x 25" all the way up to 82" x 82" to ensure we can meet the needs of your company. Visit today for artificial boxwood frames and a huge selection of high-quality artificial plants.

Need more information? Call us today at 1-888-320-0626.